Thursday, January 23, 2014

My new rules to a healthier me !!

As always I am an ardent researcher about the healthy living lifestyle and any new research in this field fascinates me. I am a firm believer in doing simple things right and I try really hard to make healthy living a simple lifestyle and not a conscious choice. If I have to think before every morsel I put in my mouth then that diet or lifestyle is a fail...

So come 2014 like any other enthusiast person, I decide to focus on my health and here are the decisions I have made that has worked for me .

First and probably the most important one , not to obsess on the numbers and to focus on the feeling of wellness. By this what I mean is I rather be 5 kgs heavier and healthier and happier internally than 5 kgs thinner and miserable. So yes I decided to pack away my scales.

Step 2 : the hardest thing for me to do is to MOVE ... I hate exercise and I can motivate myself to do it, never. So I took up to one that looks at holistic living. MIND ,BODY AND SOUL. Yes I decided to join yoga , two days a week only because any more and I ll dent a hole in my pocket. Ever since I have been a child I have always wanted to learn yoga and I have always felt that this is the only physical activity I can do ..And for all those who think yoga is simple. Call me the next day of my class... Oh god its tough and it has introduced me to so many arts of my body that I never knew existed!!

Step 3 ; Start the day with a warm glass of water , honey and lime.. As difficult as it is having it, it most immediately has such a profound impact on your body .Its just wonderful

Step 4 : Eat smaller portions in a smaller plate. Pretty self explanatory

Step 5 : Include vegetables/fruits with every meal . Here I have a confession. I am not too good with fruits and I hate raw vegetables. But I have tried and added as much fruits as I can and of course Vegetables are stilled only eaten cooked .

Step 6: Do all household chores everyday .

Step 7 : Having y daily multivitamin and probiotics , obviously to compensate for all the deficiency in my diet and improve my gut health

So far small but significant steps have had an impact on my way of life and surely soon I ll get back to my old self

I learned a new thing today -day 1

To be absolutely honest , this is a concept I have learned before in my MBA , well like all students I forgot .. So let me relearn it today

The principle of 5S

This is the name given to the Japanese principle of work organisation ,used around the world today to bring order into the world of clutter

The 5s include :

  • Sorting (Seiri)
Sort through the things and segregate into required and not required
  • Setting in Order (Seiton)
Group similar things together
  • Cleaning the space(Seiso)
Clean your space , and make a fresh start
  • Standarize ( Seiketsu)
Create a standardized idiot proof process that can be easily followed
  • Sustain(Shitsuke)
Continue to follow the process to maintain order

If I apply this principle to any part of my life, life would be in order.