Monday, March 25, 2013

All about home Food

I was seeing a program yesterday on TV about how the Indian society was surely shifting away from our tradition foods to the fast and easy culture adopted from the west .This has also made me thinking about my own food journey. As stated by Ayurveda, each body has its our unique DNA according to the land it is born in and then each body has certain foods that suite their body type and certain that don’t .After coming here, I have seen both lean and not so lean people and often wondered how the lean managed to remain lean despite all the fast food they ate and how I after coming here have managed to pound on so much weight .Well today I realize the answer.

My body best suites the good old dosa idly lifestyle and not the bread and biscuits lifestyle and I also see that the moment I slightly change my diet to the good old days , my fat goes melting away on its own ..

I searched for variety in western food only to find that there was far many in Indian too, just that I had to look. Probably the submissive Indian in me is still trying to gimmick the western food just so to be recognized as civilized and modern... Somehow we find the western food exciting to discover and new recipes from the Indian cuisines boring...

May be like Yoga it would take another foreigner to tell like that our good old brown rice and Sāmbhar is healthy, delicious. Sad that even though I would like to say that I am liberated, my thoughts are still chained...

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